Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC)
Q8Oils is part of Kuwait Petroleum Corporation: one of the largest oil processing companies in the world. KPC supplies vital oil and gas requirements around the world via various (inter)national channels and subsidiaries. There are eight major companies under KPC, of which Kuwait Petroleum International (KPI) – popularly known as Q8 – is one.

About Q8Oils
Q8Oils is part of KPI – and is therefore a crucial part of an internationally interesting and important story. Some interesting facts and figures:
- Although the Head Office of Q8 is still located in Kuwait, there are many regional offices: Antwerp, the Hague, Hanoi, London, Madrid, Rome, Stockholm, and Woking.
- Q8 has a blending plant in Belgium and Italy, and one refinery in Italy.
- In addition to Q8Oils, Q8 is involved in many other activities, such as International Diesel Service (IDS), which is one of the most prominent fuel card companies for heavy duty trucks in Europe. There is also Q8Aviation: a distributor of jet fuel in more than 60 international and regional airports throughout Europe, the far East and Australia. Then there is the important Q8Research: Q8’s own research and technology lab, which is responsible for product development, product specifications, and quality controls.
- Q8 has more than 5,000 service stations throughout Western Europe, from Scandinavia, the Netherlands and Belgium, all the way to Italy.
Our Mission
For Q8, only one thing counts: retain an image that bursts of dynamism, progressive ideas and an ecological and ethical way of working. In order to achieve this, the customer always receives priority, then there is the commitment to sustainability when dealing with business, community and ecology.
Q8 therefore invests in safe, sustainable, ethical and ecological refining methods. These activities are undertaken with the greatest possible transparency, based on honest communication. The most important thing for Q8 is to ethically achieve their objectives in such a way that it inspires confidence among young and old. For this, Q8 uses a strict zero tolerance approach to any activity that prevents them from achieving these high integrity standards.
In short, Q8 has worked hard for thirty years, listening to the customer so that every interaction is as simple, easy and friendly as possible. Because when you place the full spectrum of customer relations (both B2C and B2B) under the microscope, there is always one thing to consider: the customer will always be at the centre of every (confidential) relationship.